Rajendra Lohia Vidya Mandir follows the standardized admission procedure as recommended for CBSE-Affiliated schools and as per standards and procedures set forth by State and Central Governments from time to time; including the RTE Act of 2009, Yashpal Committee Recommendations on “Learning without Burden” and Ganguly Committee Report for Admission to Pre- Primary Classes Admission forms for Std I – IX can be obtained only if there is a vacancy in the particular class. Usually, the seats are limited and one has to process the Registration for admission in advance by contacting the Administrative Office at the School. Admissions to Classes X and XII are granted as per CBSE norms. Admissions to Class XI (Science/Commerce/Humanities) are made only on the basis of Entrance test and Marks of Class X.

Previous School Records, Merit Certificates, Birth Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Certificates of Special Achievements and other Credentials as required by the school must be presented at the time of registration. However, filling a registration / pre-admission form does not guarantee admission.